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Cash Accounts

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Cash accounts is the tab used to record all deposits and withdrawals from business cash accounts, bank accounts, credit card accounts and bank loans.


Bank Accounts


When adding bank accounts, remember that all added accounts must belong to business. Do not add bank account which is unrelated to business even if it's used to occasionaly pay or receive funds on behalf of the business. When unsure, ask yourself: Does the balance in bank account belong to the business? If the answer is yes, the bank account should be created under this tab.


This is because balance of any bank account created under this tab will be listed on balance sheet as Cash at bank. That's why you can't create personal bank account under this tab as the balance (e.g. savings) would be reported as business asset which would be incorrect (your personal savings are not business assets). If you or someone else occasionally pay business expenses from personal bank account, the expense should be recorded under Expense Claims tab.


When you add at least one bank account, you will see following columns:


Statement balance is a balance as per bank statement. All bank transactions as per your bank statement should be entered under Statement balance column. If your bank allows you to export your bank statement to QIF, OFX or other electronic bank statement format, you can import your bank transactions to avoid manual data entry. If you are going to enter bank transactions manually, all transactions must be recorded as per your bank statement especially the date and the amount.
Uncleared deposits are for cheques from your customers or making bank deposits which will appear on your bank statement at later date.
Uncleared payments are cheques you have issued to suppliers or other payees and are still unpresented.
Actual balance is the total of all previous columns. It is your real bank balance which includes cash at bank, uncleared deposits, unpresented cheques and other uncleared transactions.
First three columns contain clickable amounts. Bank transactions can be recorded under these columns. Actual balance column is the total of all previous columns and therefore not clickable. Available balance shows how much there is available in the bank taking into account statement balance, uncleared payments and credit limit.